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Online Safety

Our Online Safety Policy can be found in the Policies section of our website here.

There are many excellent guides and advice about internet safety available. One that we particularly recommend for parents is by 'The 2 Johns' - well-known internet safety experts within Essex and former policemen involved in this area while serving on the force. Their guidance for parents can be found here: https://esafetytraining.org/resources/parents-carers-area/

Another website that is very useful is Virgin Media's online safety tips: https://www.virginmedia.com/blog/online-safety/tips. They also have a online safety test which can help you judge your own understanding: https://www.virginmedia.com/blog/online-safety/childrens-internet-safety-test/ (both links shared with Virgin Media's permission).

Essex Police have a campaign to promote safe internet use called 'Sort your settings', giving advice about gaming, social media, mobile phone use and much more - see: https://www.essex.police.uk/police-forces/essex-police/areas/essex-police/au/about-us/sort-your-settings/

The South-East Cyber Crime Unit has helpful advice and resources for parents https://southeastcyber.police.uk/parentsandcarers/

The UK Safer Internet Centre who promote the annual 'Safer Internet Day' each February have some excellent guides and top tips for parents:



LGFL (London Grid For Learning) provide a dedicated webpage for parents to access online safety tips and guides: https://parentsafe.lgfl.net/

We observe Safer Internet Day each year and in 2024 (5th February) we shared this assembly with children:

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